daijinara said over 1 year ago on esbuild for Rails :
David Kimura
Have you ever noticed about 'cache read failure error' on delivering 'theme.bundle.css', which is probably caused by the browser that user is using?
I encounter this experience below every time when I visit driftingruby for example.

   This is my primary concern using cssbundling. Keep it simple in Sprockets will never have this problem. I haven't tried on Procshaft yet.

Although this isn't the fault of your app and it's probably caused the mechanics of how modern browser works, most users don't care about these technicality and they want this to be fixed to trust your service. 

How can you fix this in esbuild and cssbundling setup? What's your thoughts about refactoring your driftingruby app asset pipeline if you want to fix this?