Leonardo Barroeta PRO said over 1 year ago on Deploying with MRSK :
Great video, but I've a question. What about handling multiple environments? (Staging/Production). Any ideas?

David Kimura PRO said over 1 year ago on Deploying with MRSK :
It looks like there is an undocumented config option for destination so you could probably do something like

mrsk deploy --destination staging

M said over 1 year ago on Deploying with MRSK :
Both docker deploys failed as seen in the screenshot(from the video).
When I tried it test it in debug mode, I got the following error.
docker: Error response from daemon: Conflict. The container name "/traefik" is already in use by container "91b20965926a16f09d1f931c629a9cc513860fe7b1f8ade41d2a8ecdee00d11f". You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.
 Any option to handle this in mrsk?
 Right now I have to go to the instance and remove the container before running the deploy again.

David Kimura PRO said over 1 year ago on Deploying with MRSK :
It looks like there could be something weird with the traefik container. There is a MRSK command 
mrsk traefik remove
That could help. See if there are any other relevant commands under
mrsk traefik
that could also help.

AbdullahAs said 12 months ago on Deploying with MRSK :
I keep getting this error in the last steps of the deployment 
LoadError: libpq.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory - /rails/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/pg-1.5.3/lib/pg_ext.so

Any idea how to fix it?

David Kimura PRO said 12 months ago on Deploying with MRSK :
Did you deviate from the Dockerfile? Make sure that libpq-dev is being installed in the Dockerfile.

damian.szalbierz PRO said 4 months ago on Deploying with MRSK :
Cool, but how can I redirect route53 subdomain ie. blog.example.com into load balancer on digital ocean or hetzner without cloudflare?

David Kimura PRO said 4 months ago on Deploying with MRSK :
You should be able to set up SSL termination at the load balancer on Digital Ocean and forward the requests to the DO Droplets. https://docs.digitalocean.com/products/networking/load-balancers/how-to/ssl-termination/

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