Simon Kiteley PRO said about 3 years ago on Dabbling with Turbo :
I've resisted going to Turbo so far (not that I see it as bad but development timescales to convert projects etc) but it really seems to many situations easily now. Now to choose the first project...

Thanks for the video.

pruzicka said about 3 years ago on Dabbling with Turbo :
I run Stimulus plus Turbo in production for months now. I have exactly zero problems.

Douglas Crowder said about 3 years ago on Dabbling with Turbo :
is your template available on github?  I looked but couldn't find it.

David Kimura PRO said about 3 years ago on Dabbling with Turbo :
  I don't have the template available, but I am not opposed to it. I'll post a link here later with that template.

Douglas Crowder said about 3 years ago on Dabbling with Turbo :
I cloned your repo but am getting an error:

The asset "application.css" is not present in the asset pipeline.
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", "data-turbo-track": "reload" %>

Douglas Crowder said about 3 years ago on Dabbling with Turbo :
I am now watching the "esbuild for Rails" episode.  I think will clear things up.

David Kimura PRO said about 3 years ago on Dabbling with Turbo :
Here's the link to the template

choffman PRO said about 3 years ago on Dabbling with Turbo :
Great episode. Really enjoyed it. I noticed the flash message for the destroy method is inconsistent.  For example, around 12:06 in the video you delete the second record in your example, you get a confirmation but not the flash message "successfully destroyed".  I'm guessing the turbo_frame_tag is causing some sort of issue. 

Wolfgang said about 3 years ago on Dabbling with Turbo :
Starting a new rails app on osx ruby 3.0.2/rails 7.0.0.rc1 I'm getting the same error as Douglas mentioned: 

The asset "application.css" is not present in the asset pipeline.
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", "data-turbo-track": "reload" %>

Unfortunatly there is no automatic asset compiling active and rails assets:precompile failed. Any other hint from your side to fix this issue?

David Kimura PRO said about 3 years ago on Dabbling with Turbo :
There should be an error further up when you try to start the app.  Also, how are y'all starting the app? You should be using 
as this will start the rails, css and js services.

claudiug PRO said almost 3 years ago on Dabbling with Turbo :
my issue with this is that I have no clear scenarios, or best practice, or when to use frame vs stream etc.

felipe said almost 3 years ago on Dabbling with Turbo :
  taking a look at your code here:

Let's say we're displaying the usual 25 records per pagination.

Isn't this code creating 25 requests to the backend for each one of the projects, + 25 websockets subscriptions?

David Kimura PRO said almost 3 years ago on Dabbling with Turbo :
Yes. I probably wouldn’t do that on a real app. If I were, I would limit the pagination to something like 5 and also make sure that the responses were very fast. If I start seeing memory issues or scaling problems in the actioncable side, I would rethink this to either do a refresh interval or switch to any cable.

gabi PRO said almost 3 years ago on Dabbling with Turbo :
Is there any way to customize the confirmation message that is displayed when deleting the record? Thanks!

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