3lackRos3 said over 7 years ago on Basic Testing Introduction in Rails :

Congrats on your 100th video.  Keep up the good work.

David Kimura PRO said over 7 years ago on Basic Testing Introduction in Rails :

Thank you! It has been a long time coming.

sadiqmmm said over 7 years ago on Basic Testing Introduction in Rails :

Amazing! Thanks for all the videos you have created. Congratulations for the 100th video :)

PatrĂ­cio dos Santos said over 7 years ago on Basic Testing Introduction in Rails :

Congratulations for the 100th video \o/

Sam Van Damme PRO said over 7 years ago on Basic Testing Introduction in Rails :

Congrats! You made me a lot smarter :)

I would love more testing tutorials.

frank004 said over 7 years ago on Basic Testing Introduction in Rails :

Plis more test tut. I have taken like 4 curse and this episode explain.

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