David Kimura PRO said about 8 years ago on Authentication Crash Course with Devise :

One thought would be making a CLI utility so that you can generate the files without having to add/remove the gem. This way, it would be a globally accessible thing that could easily be used on other projects.

Rocela Durazo said about 7 years ago on Authentication Crash Course with Devise :

Ey nice video, can you add the facebook login ? that would be very cool.

Jayzen said almost 6 years ago on Authentication Crash Course with Devise :
Thanks your awesome video. I had ever use the gem 'devise' and include the confirmable module, when i deploy my app on heroku, i use the sendgrid add-on to send email confirmation according to the heroku guides, i want to use the ssl function so i use the code in "config/enviroments/production.rb" as follow ```ruby config.force_ssl = true config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp host = "note-book-diary.heroku.com" config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { protocol: "https", host: host } ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = { address: "smtp.sendgrid.net", port: 587, authentication: "plain", user_name: "xx", password: "xx", domain: "heroku.com", enable_starttls_auto: true } ``` when i reach the link https://note-book-diary.heroku.com/, the response return ok, but when i click the email confirmation , i get the wrong response "NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID" The chrome error messages show the the website use HSTS and can't reach it. can you do me a favor to find the solution? Thanks a lot!

David Kimura PRO said almost 6 years ago on Authentication Crash Course with Devise :
Try setting the domain and use the url to https://note-book-diary.herokuapp.com/ So you'd need to update the host and the domain settings. You can check the Certificate within Chrome to see what the common name (or domain name) to see where the mismatch is.

David Ng said over 4 years ago on Authentication Crash Course with Devise :
I follow the instructions, but the side bar does not collapse.

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