smezae said over 6 years ago on Auditing with Paper Trail :
What is the difference between use Hash instead of OpenStruct in the changed_object method? update: changed_object sometimes throws an error :(

David Kimura PRO said over 6 years ago on Auditing with Paper Trail :
It is just a different way to parse the JSON. If you wanted to reference the object, you could do it with something like `version.object['first_name']` but I think that something like `version.changed_object.first_name` appears nicer. It is really just a preference.

chabgood said over 4 years ago on Auditing with Paper Trail :
When I destroy an object it will not track it. Any idea why?

kmanzu said over 1 year ago on Auditing with Paper Trail :
I get an error "no method "changed_object" for ....
please help . Will appreciate alot.

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