Marco De Rossi
Joined 1/25/2021
Marco De Rossi said about 3 years ago on 3D Secure 2 Credit Cards and Stripe Checkout :
  Great content easy to follow. What is the process of creating multiple plans and how to to create different checkout buttons for each plan? 
I see you have something like  on your website
I know you are passing in a param to the checkout button or something like that 
How did you achieve that?
How to know what plan each customer is subscribed to in your application

Marco De Rossi said about 3 years ago on 3D Secure 2 Credit Cards and Stripe Checkout :
  I finally made it work. I created a new attribute in the user table called plan_price and update it when the customer is created with the amount_total from the session object. So the price will determine your subscription plan. I don't know if there are any security concerns with this approach. I am just a Newbie  with ruby on rails 

Marco De Rossi said about 3 years ago on Multistep Form with Wicked :

Marco De Rossi said about 3 years ago on Multistep Form with Wicked :
def verify_user_steps!
    return if devise_controller?
    return unless user_signed_in?
    return if current_user.terms
    redirect_to after_signup_path(:terms),notice: 'You most accept Terms and conditions.'
This method works fine, but is a user type in the address bar   
there are still presented with the terms and condition steps even if they had accepted the terms,How can we avoid that ?

Marco De Rossi said about 3 years ago on Deploying to Amazon Linux 2 :
Nice Video. This is just too complicated just to deploy a rails app. I Hope Amazon makes this process simple just like Heroku.
Thanks for your effort