Joined 11/23/2021
jcquarto said over 2 years ago on Drag and Drop with Hotwire :
I'm confused once sgid showed up. Is that a feature of hotwire ?

Also, I immediately thought of a part 2 for you (haha!): how to move items between multiple lists (example: a Trello board). I'm guessing that is "only" the addition of some sort of target list id ?

jcquarto said over 2 years ago on Drag and Drop with Hotwire :
Can you make some suggestions for how to expand this to 2 lists? would the Stimulus controller would have to get re-written for each of the two lists on the page? And then get re-written again if the same list (but not the second one) is used on yet another page.  Seems to make the number of file names multiply exponentially !

jcquarto said over 2 years ago on Complex Application Using Turbo :
another +1, esp a Dashboard with Turbo fetching the various pieces of it.  And hopefully without a lot of distraction from the layout so we can focus on what Turbo is actually doing. Back when Turbo was first announced someone had put together a "Turbo Showcase" which was very interesting. I'm wondering if there can be a Dashboard-y approach to leveraging Turbo this way