gabi PRO
Joined 12/1/2017
gabi PRO said about 4 years ago on Ruby Go Lang Extensions :
Is there anything you need to modify to make this work for a Rails application? 

gabi PRO said almost 4 years ago on Publish and Subscribe to Events :
Can this kind of event driven development be used to make updates in the view without the need to poll, for instance? What I mean is, if I have a Rails app that is using React for the frontend, is there a way I could subscribe to one of these events and update my component when something in a model changes, like the price of an item went up or the name of an article was updated, for instance?

gabi PRO said almost 4 years ago on Publish and Subscribe to Events :
Thanks! I'll take a look at ActionCable then. 

gabi PRO said over 2 years ago on Hotwire Dashboards :
Thank you so much for this episode! I work maintaining and developing an application that has a dashboard very similar to this example and I can see how Hotwire could improve things for us tremendously.