Joined 10/13/2016
frank004 said over 7 years ago on Mail Previews and Templates :

Sorry, I was asking for the ink gem as the ink gem is foundation zurb  and im using bootstraps

frank004 said over 7 years ago on Mail Previews and Templates :

thank you.  Will try it.

frank004 said over 7 years ago on Periodic Tasks with sidekiq-cron :

can we use  gem 'whenever' with the sidekiq-cron?

frank004 said about 7 years ago on puma-dev replacement for pow and prax :

Im having the same problem Im using procfile with foreman. How can we implement the use of it.

frank004 said about 7 years ago on FullCalendar Events and Scheduling :

Love to see this one with ice_cube recurrence.