David Ng
Joined 1/27/2019
David Ng said about 5 years ago on Creating PDF files with WickedPDF :
There is a typo in product_controllers.rb. Guess it should be template rather than **tempate**.

David Ng said about 5 years ago on Creating PDF files with WickedPDF :
I am writing a pdf report and want to have page break for every 2 items (with photos) in a loop. The normal [page break] works on html does not work in pdf file. Can you help ? David

David Ng said over 4 years ago on DataTables :
I experience difficulty in install datatables on Rails 6, it simply does not work, no clue.

David Ng said over 4 years ago on Using Bootstrap Themes :
After the set up, I find the sidebarToggle button does not work, any ideas ?