David Kimura PRO
Joined 7/18/2015
Drifting Ruby Owner
Ruby Rogues Panelist
David Kimura PRO said over 5 years ago on Upgrading a ruby on rails application :
Yes. You would upgrade the application locally and test everything to ensure that it is working properly. If you have a staging environment, it would then be best to test within there to make sure that you're not breaking functionality. This step is really important because we sometimes have services that are not "available" during development. For example, if you do file uploads to S3 in production, but in development, you use local disk, then all of your local development tests will not be touching the S3 APIs or code. This would be considered a risk when going to production, but a staging environment may catch any potential issues. This is partly why I always try to mimic my production environment as closely as possible when developing. So in the previous example with S3 file uploads, I would use minio locally to mimic the S3 APIs for file uploads. It makes the development environment a bit more complicated, but would expose any potential breaking changes earlier on in the upgrade process.

David Kimura PRO said over 5 years ago on Managing Terminal Sessions :
Yea, that's a pretty cool one too. I like the `send-keys` feature, but don't know how often I would actually use it. For the most part, I needed something simple and haven't messed with tmux much. However, for tmux users, that would be a nice addition.

David Kimura PRO said about 5 years ago on Stimulus Javascript Framework :
What version of Rails are you using? I think the Stimulus route is the right path. Vue is acceptable as well, but Stimulus is a lot more light weight. You can definitely use Stimulus without jQuery. If you are using other JS libraries which require jQuery, you can still pull it into your project, but just write your application's JS without it. If jQuery is being added into your Rails application as a dependency for another library, I think that's fine, but just avoid using jQuery directly as it would then become a dependency of your application as well as the library.

David Kimura PRO said about 5 years ago on Using Action Text in a Rails 5.2 Application :
There could be a configuration issue with the Active Storage. https://www.driftingruby.com/episodes/in-depth-look-into-activestorage is a good episode on the setup and usage of ActiveStorage. Also, try to create a new `` application and minimally add in the Action Text with Active Storage. See if you run into the same issues so you can at least determine where the issue is.

David Kimura PRO said about 5 years ago on Non nested dynamic forms :
Hello AHMAD19, did you have a use case for this episode? I have a few ideas, but wanted to make sure the right thing you had in mind was addressed.