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Add unobtrusive maps to your application using StimulusJS to tie in Google Maps Javascript API and Places API.
Webpacker is a great addition in Rails. However, it adds some complexities with libraries and older gems with javascript assets. In this episode, we look at using webpacker in different scenarios.
Used at Basecamp for some time, and recently open sourced to the public, Stimulus is a small Javascript Framework used to manipulate existing DOM elements on the page. This episode, we will dive into interacting with Stimulus and setting it up in a new Ruby on Rails application.
In this episode, we take a look at recreating a feature on Zoom's setting page where clicking a check box automatically saves the changed setting.
Using RailsUJS, ActiveJob, ActionCable and Stimulus, we create a realtime feedback for background jobs running to provide a better user experience.
Learn how to incorporate FullCalendar into your Ruby on Rails application with listing and creating events. Using unobtrusive javascript, we can create a fast interactive calendar.
Learn how to use one of three charting libraries, Chart.js, Highcharts, or Google Charts, using the Chartkick gem to create simple and unobtrusive charts in your application.
Using StimulusJS controllers, adding nested forms to a Rails application is easy and unobtrusive. In this episode, we look at an alternative way of creating nested forms without the Cocoon gem.
Using Rails UJS, we create an interactive row editing solution without using any kind of Javascript frameworks.
The DataTables Javascript library creates a powerful display of your application's data. Some of the features include pagination, server side processing, sorting and search.