Docker on Rails 7
18:25 CC

Docker on Rails 7

#320 Oct 24, 2021 pro
In this episode, we look at changing the default Rails 7 development environment over to a Docker based environment.

In Depth with Docker Compose
28:58 CC

In Depth with Docker Compose

#226 Jan 26, 2020 pro
A deep dive into using Docker to streamline your Ruby on Rails 6 development environment.

Developing in Docker
34:28 CC

Developing in Docker

#414 Aug 13, 2023 pro
I use Docker every day and it has make my development workflow much simpler. I don't have to deal with conflicts or issues with macOS since everything is containerized. Before, I would fight my host operating system with mismatched dependencies and configuration problems, but using Docker during my development workflow has simplified things. In this episode, we'll run through how I use Docker on Rails applications and some of the tricks I use to solve the nuances of this approach.

Rails Docked
16:08 CC

Rails Docked

#384 Jan 15, 2023 pro
Docked is a new library which aims to aid in fresh development environments with the use of Docker. In this episode, we use a Steam Deck, to install Docker and by using Docked will have a fully functional Ruby on Rails development environment.

Easy Infrastructure
25:11 CC

Easy Infrastructure

#355 Jun 26, 2022 pro
Continuing on from the previous episode, we look at creating a Docker Swarm cluster and using Traefik to load balance and route requests to various applications. Using this and CloudFlare proxies, we're able to create and deploy hobby applications in minutes.