Hotwire Combobox
13:34 CC

Hotwire Combobox

#459 Jun 2, 2024 free
In this episode, we tackle the issue of slow-loading dropdowns with a high volume of options by implementing an asynchronous select using the Hotwire Combobox library.

CSS and JS in Rails Engines
22:04 CC

CSS and JS in Rails Engines

#442 Feb 11, 2024 pro
Setting up a Rails Engine with the TailwindCSS and Hotwire via Importmaps can be rather difficult. There's a lot of undocumented steps to take and it can be overwhelming to approach these problems. In this episode, we look at a step by step approach to both adding TailwindCSS and Turbo & Stimulus into a Rails Engine.

Turbo 8
26:16 CC

Turbo 8

#436 Jan 7, 2024 free
With Turbo 8 comes a lot of new features and in this episode, we'll explore an upgrading a blog post with comments to add in the new functionality.

Custom Dashboard - Part 2
16:19 CC

Custom Dashboard - Part 2

#433 Dec 17, 2023 pro
In this episode, we continue on from the previous episode where we finish up the dashboard and configure the views with Turbo Frame Tags.

Custom Dashboard - Part 1
43:14 CC

Custom Dashboard - Part 1

#432 Dec 10, 2023 pro
In this episode, we'll look at creating the initial management for a customizable dashboard. Users can add and arrange widgets to their dashboard.