Flash Messages
13:48 CC

Flash Messages

#465 Jul 14, 2024 pro
Flash messages are used to provide feedback to users when certain actions occur, such as creating or updating a record. In this episode, we'll look at various issues with flash messages and workarounds to common problems.

CSS and JS in Rails Engines
22:04 CC

CSS and JS in Rails Engines

#442 Feb 11, 2024 pro
Setting up a Rails Engine with the TailwindCSS and Hotwire via Importmaps can be rather difficult. There's a lot of undocumented steps to take and it can be overwhelming to approach these problems. In this episode, we look at a step by step approach to both adding TailwindCSS and Turbo & Stimulus into a Rails Engine.

Turbo 8
26:16 CC

Turbo 8

#436 Jan 7, 2024 free
With Turbo 8 comes a lot of new features and in this episode, we'll explore an upgrading a blog post with comments to add in the new functionality.

Custom Dashboard - Part 2
16:19 CC

Custom Dashboard - Part 2

#433 Dec 17, 2023 pro
In this episode, we continue on from the previous episode where we finish up the dashboard and configure the views with Turbo Frame Tags.

Parent Relationships and Turbo Frames
23:32 CC

Parent Relationships and Turbo Frames

#421 Sep 24, 2023 pro
Without writing any javascript, we create a highly interactive parent navigation. We will use Turbo Frames to provide the highly interactive experience and build a parent-child relationship from scratch.