Mail Previews and Templates
8:31 CC

Mail Previews and Templates

#58 Dec 11, 2016 free
Using ActionMailer::Preview preview email samples without sending them. Using Zurb's Foundation for Emails, learn how to use email templates with the Ink framework.

Sending Emails
5:26 CC

Sending Emails

#8 Jul 30, 2015 free
This episode is a prelude to ActiveJob and background processing. Learn how to send emails using an external mail service with Rails.

Incoming Emails with Action Mailbox
12:10 CC

Incoming Emails with Action Mailbox

#165 Dec 23, 2018 pro
Handling and routing incoming emails into your application can be a daunting task. In this episode, we take an early look into the upcoming Action Mailbox in Rails 6.0 which greatly simplifies the process.

Local Mail Delivery
8:39 CC

Local Mail Delivery

#329 Dec 26, 2021 pro
Sending out emails is an important for of communication in our Rails applications. In this episode, we look at creating a local smtp relay with a web frontend to view the emails sent from our Rails application.

Email Tracking
15:11 CC

Email Tracking

#407 Jun 25, 2023 pro
In this episode, we take a user privacy focused approach to tracking emails for unique opens and view counts. We'll look at how we can track these emails without invading the user's privacy and get meaningful metrics.