Campfire Deploy with Kamal
21:47 CC

Campfire Deploy with Kamal

#440 Jan 28, 2024 pro
In this episode, we look at setting up our Campfire instance to be deployable with Kamal instead of the Once CLI. This has a few benefits over the standard deployment mechanism if you are going to be tweaking and making your own changes to the Campfire code. We'll also look at taking in the incoming changes from Once to rebase into our Kamal setup.

Reloadable Fixtures
25:10 CC

Reloadable Fixtures

#443 Feb 18, 2024 pro
In this episode, we'll have a look at a way where we can use fixtures to manage the data in our development environment, tests and a demo environment. We'll dive into some complications and nuances with handling fixtures in ActionText and ActiveStorage.

Dev Containers
11:47 CC

Dev Containers

#454 Apr 28, 2024 pro
In a later Rails release, dev container configurations will be provided by default. In this episode, we will explore how to use dev containers as well as modifying them to fit our application's needs.

Shopping Cart Checkout
26:31 CC

Shopping Cart Checkout

#420 Sep 17, 2023 pro
Continuing on from Episode 334, we look at creating the rest of the functionality of our shopping cart. We look at creating the checkout page with Stripe and handling the webhooks when a checkout session has been completed.

9:19 CC


#431 Dec 3, 2023 free
Keyboard shortcuts, or Hotkeys, can provide a great experience to users of an application. In this episode, we will use a stimulus wrapper around this library to use within our Ruby on Rails application.