Easy Deployments
31:57 CC

Easy Deployments

#354 Jun 19, 2022 pro
I often create Rails projects and while some of these applications are fairly simple, deployment to a production environment still requires a lot of infrastructure setup. In this episode, we take a look at creating a Rails project template and being able to deploy it to a production environment within minutes.

File Uploads and Cloud Storage
15:48 CC

File Uploads and Cloud Storage

#356 Jul 3, 2022 free
AWS S3 has been a reliable service over the years and for a long time it was the only option. However, in the past few years, there has been more cloud storage options that have popped up with compatible S3 APIs. These services can sometimes offer better pricing and speeds.

Liquid Templates
22:12 CC

Liquid Templates

#358 Jul 17, 2022 pro
Using Stimulus and Liquid, we can create real time previews of the Liquid Template Renderer. Liquid provides a markup language that is a safe, customer facing template language for flexible web apps.

Tailwind CSS
14:44 CC

Tailwind CSS

#367 Sep 18, 2022 pro
In this episode, we look at adding Tailwind CSS to our Rails 7 application as well as applying a component library on top to add simplicity and consistency to our views.

TailwindUI Calendar
40:00 CC

TailwindUI Calendar

#383 Jan 8, 2023 pro
The TailwindUI library provides static styled HTML examples, but this can be difficult to translate into a Rails application. In this episode, we take a look at one of the calendar examples and make it interactive with displaying days that have events as well as returning events on selected days.