Campfire Patterns
15:04 CC

Campfire Patterns

#441 Feb 4, 2024 free
In this episode, we look at some of the design patterns that are used in Campfire and my take on why they took this approach. We'll explore some of the code organization, search functionality, and more!

Detect Spam with AI
29:22 CC

Detect Spam with AI

#427 Nov 5, 2023 free
We can create a small python service that uses a Large Language Model (LLM) to detect if a message is spam or not. Using this service, we can tie it into our Rails application so that any comment created will be evaluated for being spam or not. We explore a few different routes on handling any messages flagged as spam.

Embedding Stripe Checkout
19:11 CC

Embedding Stripe Checkout

#422 Oct 1, 2023 free
Stripe Checkout is one of my favorite ways to handle payments in Ruby on Rails applications. Stripe Checkouts will soon have an option to embed the Checkout into your web application. In this episode, we'll look at implementing this feature with a StimulusJS controller.

I'm a teapot
8:14 CC

I'm a teapot

#418 Sep 6, 2023 free
A special release to celebrate 418 episodes. I talk about different HTTP response codes.

9:19 CC


#431 Dec 3, 2023 free
Keyboard shortcuts, or Hotkeys, can provide a great experience to users of an application. In this episode, we will use a stimulus wrapper around this library to use within our Ruby on Rails application.