Google Maps API with StimulusJS
17:14 CC

Google Maps API with StimulusJS

#236 Apr 5, 2020 free
Add unobtrusive maps to your application using StimulusJS to tie in Google Maps Javascript API and Places API.

Testing with RSpec
13:04 CC

Testing with RSpec

#101 Oct 15, 2017 free
Using RSpec, learn how to create tests for your application and view your coverage.

Basic Testing Introduction in Rails
13:29 CC

Basic Testing Introduction in Rails

#100 Oct 8, 2017 free
Using the Rails 5.1.X defaults, we have a look at what is configured and explore the different types of tests; using the provided MiniTest and Capybara.

Single Table Inheritance
8:33 CC

Single Table Inheritance

#97 Sep 10, 2017 free
Learn to use single table inheritance to allow multiple classes to be stored in the same database table.

Rails API Basics
5:28 CC

Rails API Basics

#49 Oct 2, 2016 free
A brief introduction on Rails API. Learn how to create an API application and setup the routes. This episode is paving the way for more in depth looks into Rails API.