Tracking Writebook Changes
15:10 CC

Tracking Writebook Changes

#464 Jul 7, 2024 free
In this episode, we look at setting up a mechanism to track the changes from an externally developed product. We'll also discuss branching strategies and how to develop your own features on top of Writebook.

Hotwire Combobox
13:34 CC

Hotwire Combobox

#459 Jun 2, 2024 free
In this episode, we tackle the issue of slow-loading dropdowns with a high volume of options by implementing an asynchronous select using the Hotwire Combobox library.

Tips and Tricks
9:47 CC

Tips and Tricks

#455 May 5, 2024 free
In this episode, we look at various tricks in Ruby on Rails as well as some other neat tricks.

Windows and WSL
16:05 CC

Windows and WSL

#451 Apr 7, 2024 free
In this episode, we'll look at setting up a fresh Windows 11 environment for Ruby on Rails development. We'll be looking at a few different tricks that makes managing a Windows environment much easier.

5:44 CC


#450 Apr 1, 2024 free
Ever wonder how you could add audio to interactions on a website. In this episode, we'll explore adding sounds whenever someone clicks on a link or button.