In-depth Look into ActiveStorage
21:59 CC

In-depth Look into ActiveStorage

#111 Dec 24, 2017 pro
In this episode, we look at ActiveStorage, which is the new file uploading interface in Rails 5.2, and how we can accomplish direct uploads to cloud storage, retrieving & displaying uploaded content, and showing progression with progress bars.

Hotwire Dashboards
25:07 CC

Hotwire Dashboards

#332 Jan 16, 2022 pro
Dashboards can be a source of poor performance and contain much complexity in our applications. Using Hotwire, we can increase the responsiveness of our dashboard with a maintainable approach.

Rails API - Authentication with JWT
7:31 CC

Rails API - Authentication with JWT

#51 Oct 23, 2016 free
Using the knock gem, we will add JWT Authentication to our Rails API Application.

Polymorphic Associations
10:31 CC

Polymorphic Associations

#98 Sep 17, 2017 free
Advancing from Single Table Inheritance, learn how Polymorphic Associations differ and tricks to simplify their usage.

User Notifications
13:08 CC

User Notifications

#136 Jun 3, 2018 free
Using the Notifications Rails Engine, we are able to add notifications to our applications based on certain events. The engine provides the schema and necessary controls and associations to seamlessly integrate into your app.