15:55 CC


#82 May 29, 2017 free
The DataTables Javascript library creates a powerful display of your application's data. Some of the features include pagination, server side processing, sorting and search.

Cropping Images with JCrop
7:00 CC

Cropping Images with JCrop

#77 Apr 23, 2017 free
Extend your image upload functionality with JCrop. Learn to redirect the user to a crop page once they have uploaded their image and save versions of the cropped images.

Javascript Select Form Fields with Chosen
6:40 CC

Javascript Select Form Fields with Chosen

#76 Apr 16, 2017 free
Chosen is a jQuery plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly. Learn how to use Chosen in a few different ways in this episode; Rails form builder and Simple Form.

Drag and Drop with Interact.js
15:20 CC

Drag and Drop with Interact.js

#75 Apr 9, 2017 free
Using Interact.js to create draggable and droppable items in our view, we can use AJAX callbacks on events to interact with our Ruby on Rails application. Also, learn how to use Ruby Assets to manage our Javascript Libraries.

Page Specific Javascript in Ruby on Rails
4:44 CC

Page Specific Javascript in Ruby on Rails

#74 Apr 2, 2017 free
Sometimes you may find yourself with an application that has javascript that needs to execute only on a specific page. This episode lays the foundation to easily manage page specific javascript.