ViewComponent in Rails
12:26 CC

ViewComponent in Rails

#196 Jun 30, 2019 pro
The ViewComponent library will provide a new way for creating reusable and testable view components.

Thredded Forum
9:06 CC

Thredded Forum

#195 Jun 23, 2019 pro
Thredded is a Rails 4.2+ forum/messageboard engine. Its goal is to be as simple and feature rich as possible.

Environment Specific Encrypted Credentials in Rails 5.2
10:47 CC

Environment Specific Encrypted Credentials in Rails 5.2

#193 Jun 16, 2019 pro
A more simplief and better retake of Episode #123 where we look at the upcoming Rails 6 changes with encrypted credentials and how to apply it to a Rails 5.2 application.

Persistent Referral Links with Devise
16:02 CC

Persistent Referral Links with Devise

#192 Jun 9, 2019 pro
In this episode we create a referral system with permanent links. Users can sign up with referral links which tracks the relationship between the referer and the person referred.

Inline Editing Records
13:08 CC

Inline Editing Records

#191 Jun 2, 2019 free
Using Rails UJS, we create an interactive row editing solution without using any kind of Javascript frameworks.