LLM Context
18:22 CC

LLM Context

#446 Mar 10, 2024 pro
Building on the previous episode, we look at refactoring our background job into a more maintainable object and provide context to the LLM so that we can chain together responses for a more conversational experience.

Text to Image with Machine Learning
26:09 CC

Text to Image with Machine Learning

#398 Apr 23, 2023 pro
In this episode, we take a new approach to the python service that our Rails background jobs will be calling. This is a more stable and thread safe approach and more simple to implement. We'll look at creating a Text to Image generation service that our Rails application will interact with.

OpenAI API Integration
26:33 CC

OpenAI API Integration

#390 Feb 26, 2023 pro
In this episode, we have a look at using the OpenAI API to create an AI Response to comments. Instead of simply using the API directly with Net::HTTP, we're also going to create an API wrapper around Net::HTTP so that we can simplify the responsibility of our OpenAI integration.