Stimulus Javascript Framework
21:59 CC

Stimulus Javascript Framework

#112 Dec 31, 2017 pro
Used at Basecamp for some time, and recently open sourced to the public, Stimulus is a small Javascript Framework used to manipulate existing DOM elements on the page. This episode, we will dive into interacting with Stimulus and setting it up in a new Ruby on Rails application.

Deeper Dive into StimulusJS
32:11 CC

Deeper Dive into StimulusJS

#152 Sep 23, 2018 pro
In this episode, we look at combining Rails UJS, nested routes, scopes and StimulusJS. A deep dive from the beginning to completion of multiple select boxes changing based on their selections.

React Native and Ruby on Rails API Only Applications
17:49 CC

React Native and Ruby on Rails API Only Applications

#174 Feb 24, 2019 pro
In this episode, we look at building a React Native application from scratch and tie it to a Ruby on Rails API application. Using the iOS Simulator, we test out the connectivity between the two applications.

Using React-Rails and Loading Data from Rails into React
9:33 CC

Using React-Rails and Loading Data from Rails into React

#109 Dec 10, 2017 pro
In this episode, we look at one of many different ways to add the Javascript Framework, React, into our Ruby on Rails application. This tutorial covers adding react into the application and pulling and displaying database information in nested React components.

Rails Scaffold with VueJS
17:24 CC

Rails Scaffold with VueJS

#169 Jan 20, 2019 pro
In this episode, we look at replacing the generated scaffold form in Rails with a VueJS rendered form. We will use Turbolinks and VueJS Props to pass data between the view and redirect the client to various pages.