21:24 CC


#393 Mar 19, 2023 pro
Chart.js is a simple yet flexible JavaScript charting library for the modern web. In this episode, we look at creating a Stimulus controller around Chart.js. We'll also look at making the chart interactive by adding zoom and pan functionality.

Academic Discount
14:19 CC

Academic Discount

#410 Jul 16, 2023 pro
Are you searching for an efficient way to implement academic discounts on your web application? In this episode, we'll explore a subtle yet effective method for verifying academic email addresses, while also providing override options to ensure your organization retains full control.

Fancy Emails with MJML
12:41 CC

Fancy Emails with MJML

#411 Jul 23, 2023 pro
Managing email styling and formats can be a large task so having a templating framework in place to help manage these will not only help them be consistent, but also easier to maintain as time goes on. In this episode, we'll look at implementing MJML as well as solving some common problems.

Solid Cache
10:31 CC

Solid Cache

#424 Oct 15, 2023 pro
Solid Cache is a database-backed Active Support cache store implementation. Using SQL databases backed by SSDs we can have caches that are much larger and cheaper than traditional memory only Redis or Memcached backed caches. In this episode, we'll explore adding Solid Cache into our application and some things to be aware of.

Kamal in GitHub Actions
31:01 CC

Kamal in GitHub Actions

#425 Oct 22, 2023 pro
Kamal is a great utility for deploying your application to a server. It can handle many different kinds of use cases. However, there is some disconnect on how to use it within a CI/CD pipeline. In this episode, we'll look at deploying a Rails 7.1 application with SQLite to a virtual machine using Kamal within GitHub Actions.