Tailwind CSS
14:44 CC

Tailwind CSS

#367 Sep 18, 2022 pro
In this episode, we look at adding Tailwind CSS to our Rails 7 application as well as applying a component library on top to add simplicity and consistency to our views.

TailwindUI Calendar
40:00 CC

TailwindUI Calendar

#383 Jan 8, 2023 pro
The TailwindUI library provides static styled HTML examples, but this can be difficult to translate into a Rails application. In this episode, we take a look at one of the calendar examples and make it interactive with displaying days that have events as well as returning events on selected days.

MRSK in Depth
23:47 CC

MRSK in Depth

#392 Mar 12, 2023 pro
Continuing from the previous episode, we look at speeding up the build times with a remote builder, continued warning about accessories, implementing background jobs, setting up the infrastructure for background workers and diving more into the Kamal (MRSK) commands.

13:47 CC


#409 Jul 9, 2023 pro
In this episode, we'll dive into ActiveSupport::Notifications to perform simple metrics. We'll then use this technique to troubleshoot and pinpoint where slow running lines of code are. It can be a great debugging technique when trying to deal with slow requests or functions.

Developing in Docker
34:28 CC

Developing in Docker

#414 Aug 13, 2023 pro
I use Docker every day and it has make my development workflow much simpler. I don't have to deal with conflicts or issues with macOS since everything is containerized. Before, I would fight my host operating system with mismatched dependencies and configuration problems, but using Docker during my development workflow has simplified things. In this episode, we'll run through how I use Docker on Rails applications and some of the tricks I use to solve the nuances of this approach.