Saving Attributes with Hotwire
20:10 CC

Saving Attributes with Hotwire

#373 Oct 30, 2022 pro
With Hotwire, we can create form where each input field is saved once a user has changed its value. We look at some of the common issues that you could run into when using Hotwire and some ways to mitigate those problems.

Shopping Cart with Turbo
58:12 CC

Shopping Cart with Turbo

#334 Jan 30, 2022 pro
Shopping carts can be extremely complex as there are many moving parts involved. In this episode, we'll look at some of the considerations when adding this feature and build this implementation in Hotwire.

Drag and Drop with Hotwire
8:27 CC

Drag and Drop with Hotwire

#311 Aug 29, 2021 pro
Acts as List provides the capabilities for sorting and reordering a number of objects in a list. In combination with SortableJS and Hotwire (Stimulus), we can create a positionable list with ease.

Bootstrap v5
14:05 CC

Bootstrap v5

#287 Mar 14, 2021 pro
We look at 4 different ways to add Bootstrap v5 to our Rails application. Depending on your application's direction, you may choose the appropriate route; Webpacker, the Bootstrap gem, CDN or Hotwire + yarn.

Modern Chat Feature
14:29 CC

Modern Chat Feature

#318 Oct 10, 2021 pro
In this episode, we create a chat application using Rails 7, esbuild (JS Bundling), CSS Bundling, Hotwire, and Action Text. We also dive into some issues around CSS Bundling and Action Text.