Progressive Web Applications
16:19 CC

Progressive Web Applications

#212 Oct 20, 2019 pro
Progressive Web Applications (PWA) are web applications that are regular web pages or websites, but can appear to the user like traditional applications or native mobile applications. In this episode, we add this functionality to a Rails 6 application.

Creating a Gem From Existing Code
12:33 CC

Creating a Gem From Existing Code

#179 Mar 24, 2019 pro
In this episode, we look at a process for extracting business logic out of a Ruby on Rails application into a gem.

Deploying to Render
14:12 CC

Deploying to Render

#344 Apr 10, 2022 pro
Heroku is not the only PaaS anymore and there are some cheaper alternatives now-a-days. In this episode, we explore deploying a Ruby on Rails 7 application to Render.

Turbolinks iOS Hybrid App
11:33 CC

Turbolinks iOS Hybrid App

#126 Mar 25, 2018 pro
In this episode, we look at using the Turbolinks library for iOS and use it to create a hybrid application.

Direct Upload Instantly
14:10 CC

Direct Upload Instantly

#279 Jan 17, 2021 pro
Learn how to select files and trigger them to upload to Active Storage instantly.