Joined 1/17/2022
nelsonchavespro said about 2 years ago on Payment Gateway Basics with Stripe :
does this not work anymore? or is it still up to date? it keeps breaking for me on ```customer.subscriptions.create``` from the subscriptions controller

nelsonchavespro said about 2 years ago on Private Chat Groups :
This is awesome! Thank you!

nelsonchavespro said about 2 years ago on Real-time Comments and Voting :
man I am struggling with this. I'm trying to implement this on a discussions/posts that's different from yours. And the likes work but i have to refresh the page. I get a "No template found for Discussions::VotesController#show, rendering head :no_content" on the console.

nelsonchavespro said about 2 years ago on Real-time Comments and Voting :
Yes! I figured it out by accident lol it worked. I followed the last part by what the first guy posted.   and that worked for me perfectly

nelsonchavespro said almost 2 years ago on Many to Many scopes and SQL queries or Rails Queries :
has_many :group_subscriptions, dependent: :destroy
has_many :groups, through: :group_subscriptions, dependent: :destroy
has_many :posts, dependent: :destroy

Group Model
has_many :posts, dependent: :destroy
has_many :users, through: :posts
has_many :group_subscriptions, dependent: :destroy

GroupSubscription Model
belongs_to :group
belongs_to :user

Post Model
belongs_to :group 
belongs_to :user