Joined 4/22/2020
j.estrada said almost 4 years ago on Deeper Dive into StimulusJS :
Hi, i am following the stimulus learning path, but after the first video, when i try to see this one, i feel i miss something else, what video # should i see first to get here?

j.estrada said almost 4 years ago on Deeper Dive into StimulusJS :
Great! is good to know. I wanna say thank your support. I did not have problems with that change, because indeed  i looking for documentation while im watching this video.  Now i realize that i was confused on how the video started. I thought that all the accounts , cities, countis, settings model  were already made before this video, but when i finished it, i noticed that all the practice was perfectly explained. Thank you

j.estrada said almost 4 years ago on Polling with StimulusJS :
I think it is a great video, very well explained. Just to confirm, the reason why the rails ujs library is not necessary for me is because my version of rails is newer, or does it have to do with webpack and the way stimulus is now integrated with the whole ecosystem of rails?

j.estrada said almost 4 years ago on Polling with StimulusJS :
so, having the //= require rails-ujs on my app>assets>javascript>application.js asset could create too much cross dependencies?, and your recommendations is avoid having it here?