Curated list of episodes, bundled to help you on your learning path!
Videos of tech, infrastructure, hardware and software which non-instructional by nature.
Articles around software and tutorials.
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In this episode, we look at some common functionality that we got with Rails UJS and what it looks like to reimplement these with Hotwire's Turbo and StimulusJS.
Create Reactive and Single Page Application like with no javascript or with Stimulus Controllers.
Using ActionCable and StimulusJS, we can create a Zoom-like video chat functionality where chat rooms can share live audio and video streams.
Hotwire is the newest magic which takes a different approach to building modern web applications without using much JavaScript.
Reading QR Codes can be a tricky task. We look at being able to generate QR Codes on our Ruby on Rails backend and read them on the client side using a couple of libraries and Stimulus JS.
In this episode, we look at creating an unobtrusive and efficient way to launch Bootstrap modals using Turbo and Stimulus.
Sometimes an old techniques with a modern twist can not only solve the problems at hand, but can also simplify the application's architecture.
Video.js is a web video player built from the ground up for an HTML5 world. Learn how to use it with StimulusJS and Active Storage to deliver video content from your Ruby on Rails application.
Learn how to select files and trigger them to upload to Active Storage instantly.
Using Stimulus and Slim Select, we can get performant results quickly and efficiently.