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ActionController::Renderer allows you to render arbitrary templates without requirement of being in controller actions.
Adding progress bars to your Refile uploader is easy thanks to the included javascript library from Refile. Learn how to add progress bars to your application.
When your app is using Paranoia, calling destroy on an ActiveRecord object doesn't actually destroy the database record, but just hides it.
A continuation from Episode 20 where we explore rendering the user's edit pages in a modal on a per request basis. Instead of rendering all modals for the users in the index, we will request them using remote javascript.
Using the Javascript Library, Signature Pad, learn how to capture user signatures and store them within your Ruby on Rails application.
In this episode, we tackle the issue of slow-loading dropdowns with a high volume of options by implementing an asynchronous select using the Hotwire Combobox library.
In this episode, we take a few different approaches in how we display error pages in our Rails application. We'll also look at a few potential problems with each approach that we need to be aware of.