Curated list of episodes, bundled to help you on your learning path!
Videos of tech, infrastructure, hardware and software which non-instructional by nature.
Articles around software and tutorials.
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A collection of different Ruby tips and tricks. Hope you find some of them useful!
Gems are a packaged library of functions that can extend your application or provide other features to your system. Learn to create and publish a ruby gem.
Factory Bot is a fixtures replacement which can generate the needed records directly in the tests. Faker can be used to create fake data for these records.
In this episode, we will go through some of the tips and tricks that we often take for granted. We will be looking at nested routes, scopes, migrations and more.
Adding Meta Tags to your website is important for SEO ranking and content display. Learn how to easily add meta tags to your Ruby on Rails application.
Prevent unauthorized access to your application with Pundit; an authorization library for Ruby on Rails which restricts what resources a given user is allowed to access.
Adding translations into your website does not have to be hard. With Rails built in I18N functionality, we gain access to many helpers and conventions that makes it a much easier task. Learn how to add I18N into your Rails application.
The DataTables Javascript library creates a powerful display of your application's data. Some of the features include pagination, server side processing, sorting and search.
jQuery has been a great tool for many years, but we've seen a transition in the past years where applications have dropped jQuery and moved to vanilla javascript. In this episode, we look at some common jQuery examples and the ES6 equivalencies.
Learn how to handle multiple models in a single form with accepts_nested_attributes_for and learn how to add and remove nested records through JavaScript.