Curated list of episodes, bundled to help you on your learning path!
Videos of tech, infrastructure, hardware and software which non-instructional by nature.
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Learn how to incorporate FullCalendar into your Ruby on Rails application with listing and creating events. Using unobtrusive javascript, we can create a fast interactive calendar.
Using ActiveModel::Serializer, learn how to create the JSON responses for your Rails API application. ASM is a great object oriented approach to building a JSON API.
Learn how to use one of three charting libraries, Chart.js, Highcharts, or Google Charts, using the Chartkick gem to create simple and unobtrusive charts in your application.
Using StimulusJS controllers, adding nested forms to a Rails application is easy and unobtrusive. In this episode, we look at an alternative way of creating nested forms without the Cocoon gem.
Using Rails UJS, we create an interactive row editing solution without using any kind of Javascript frameworks.
Using the knock gem, we will add JWT Authentication to our Rails API Application.
Advancing from Single Table Inheritance, learn how Polymorphic Associations differ and tricks to simplify their usage.
Using the Notifications Rails Engine, we are able to add notifications to our applications based on certain events. The engine provides the schema and necessary controls and associations to seamlessly integrate into your app.
In this episode, learn how to extract the interactions with an external API into a service object so that code is isolated and interchangeable.
Ruby and Ruby on Rails tricks from, dot files, operators, bundling, StimulusJS and more.