Curated list of episodes, bundled to help you on your learning path!
Videos of tech, infrastructure, hardware and software which non-instructional by nature.
Articles around software and tutorials.
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In this episode, we look at various tips and tricks.
A collection of different Ruby tips and tricks. Hope you find some of them useful!
Gems are a packaged library of functions that can extend your application or provide other features to your system. Learn to create and publish a ruby gem.
Factory Bot is a fixtures replacement which can generate the needed records directly in the tests. Faker can be used to create fake data for these records.
In this episode, learn how to extract the interactions with an external API into a service object so that code is isolated and interchangeable.
Some neat tips and tricks for interacting with and parsing JSON responses from an API.
In this episode, we look at creating ruby objects. Then we look at different ways of implementing memoization and how it can be used to speed up our classes.
The Observer pattern (also known as publish/subscribe) provides a simple mechanism for one object to inform a set of interested third-party objects when its state changes.
Basics on importing and exporting CSV Data using Ruby and without gems.
Decisions made during the development process can significantly affect how the production environment is architected. In this episode, we look at a few different scenarios and how the early decisions made in development affected the production infrastructure.