Gem in a Box
13:11 CC

Gem in a Box

#289 Mar 28, 2021 pro
There's many benefits to running your own cache and proxy for Ruby gems. In this episode, we look at provisioning, configuring our system and projects to use a Gem in a Box instance.

Contributing to a Gem
12:14 CC

Contributing to a Gem

#240 May 3, 2020 free
So, you've been using a gem for some time and you've either discovered that the gem isn't working correctly or that you want to start contributing to the gem itself. Sometimes this can be an overwhelming task. In this episode, we look at the basic processes for contributing to a gem.

Creating a Gem From Existing Code
12:33 CC

Creating a Gem From Existing Code

#179 Mar 24, 2019 pro
In this episode, we look at a process for extracting business logic out of a Ruby on Rails application into a gem.

Using Webpacker in Rails 6
23:17 CC

Using Webpacker in Rails 6

#178 Mar 17, 2019 pro
Webpacker is a great addition in Rails. However, it adds some complexities with libraries and older gems with javascript assets. In this episode, we look at using webpacker in different scenarios.

Bundler and Binstubs
7:51 CC

Bundler and Binstubs

#153 Sep 30, 2018 pro
In this episode, we look at some lesser known bundler commands including binstubs.