Email Tracking
15:11 CC

Email Tracking

#407 Jun 25, 2023 pro
In this episode, we take a user privacy focused approach to tracking emails for unique opens and view counts. We'll look at how we can track these emails without invading the user's privacy and get meaningful metrics.

Tracking Events with Ahoy
10:08 CC

Tracking Events with Ahoy

#303 Jul 4, 2021 free
Analytics can provide great information about your users and the content that you're producing. With using the Ahoy gem, we can gather powerful analytics without handing them over to third parties.

Application Performance Monitoring in Rails
10:38 CC

Application Performance Monitoring in Rails

#185 Apr 28, 2019 pro
Monitoring your application's performance is an important part of knowing its health. In this episode, we look at three popular services.

5:50 CC


#2 Jul 19, 2015 free
A lightweight plugin that logs impressions per action or manually per model