Custom Error Pages with Slack Notification
9:06 CC

Custom Error Pages with Slack Notification

#91 Jul 30, 2017 free
Learn to use custom error pages to provide a similar look to your application. Get notified on Slack as errors occur to act on them before they're reported.

Sidekiq Basics
7:34 CC

Sidekiq Basics

#59 Dec 18, 2016 free
Sidekiq is a Ruby Background Processor that manages its queue with a Redis service. Learn the basics of Sidekiq and integrating it with ActiveJob.

Sidekiq on Production
6:58 CC

Sidekiq on Production

#60 Dec 25, 2016 free
Sidekiq is a Ruby Background Processor that manages its queue with a Redis service. Learn to deploy Sidekiq to your production environment.

5:24 CC


#9 Jul 30, 2015 free
ActiveJob is a built in wrapper within Rails 4 for your background processors. By adding this layer to your application, swapping background processors is much easier as you will only be affecting a limited number of files.

Purge Orphaned Active Storage Records
11:13 CC

Purge Orphaned Active Storage Records

#281 Jan 31, 2021 pro
Over time, orphaned records can build up within Active Storage. In this episode, we look at a few approaches to clean up these orphaned records.