Push Notifications with ActionCable
8:55 CC

Push Notifications with ActionCable

#205 Sep 1, 2019 free
In this episode, we look into using Push Notifications within our Rails application and then using ActionCable to broadcast Push Notifications to the user.

Plugging in AnyCable
9:06 CC

Plugging in AnyCable

#214 Nov 3, 2019 free
ActionCable can handle quite a bit of traffic, but it gets to a point where it can become a burden on the server. With AnyCable, we can not only handle more traffic, but it is also lighter on the resources.

ActionCable - Part 1 - Configuration and Basics
6:32 CC

ActionCable - Part 1 - Configuration and Basics

#37 Jul 10, 2016 free
A walkthrough on configuring ActionCable with Rails 5. Learn how to configure your mount points and the basics of using ActionCable with your Rails application.

ActionCable - Part 3 - Securing Your WebSockets
5:48 CC

ActionCable - Part 3 - Securing Your WebSockets

#39 Jul 24, 2016 free
Using authentication and authorization, lock down your ActionCable WebSockets so that messages are only sent and received to the intended users.

4:40 CC


#36 Jul 4, 2016 free
ActionController::Renderer allows you to render arbitrary templates without requirement of being in controller actions.