Creating a Simple Slack Bot
10:16 CC

Creating a Simple Slack Bot

#162 Dec 2, 2018 free
Slack is a great application to keep in contact with friends, coworkers and a community. With bots, its capabilities are endless. In this episode, learn how to create a Slack Bot to interact with.

What the RegEx?
8:22 CC

What the RegEx?

#171 Feb 3, 2019 free
In this episode, we look at different ways to use pattern matching with Regular Expressions in Ruby.

3D Secure 2 Credit Cards and Stripe Checkout
22:07 CC

3D Secure 2 Credit Cards and Stripe Checkout

#204 Aug 25, 2019 pro
Banks which require further authentication on transactions may decline charges if Strong Customer Authentication is not being performed on 3D Secure enabled Credit Cards. In this episode, we look at adding Stripe Checkout and webhooks to our Rails application.

Apple Silicon Developer Transition Kit
8:53 CC

Apple Silicon Developer Transition Kit

#253 Aug 2, 2020 free
First look at the upcoming Apple Silicon processor and what it will be like for us Ruby Developers. Honestly, I wish that it was a better experience. However, with macOS Big Sur being beta and the DTK not being the final consumer hardware, there's still hope yet.

Dot Files
14:35 CC

Dot Files

#415 Aug 20, 2023 pro
Dot files are important for customizing our development experience and in this episode, we'll have a look at the .zshrc, .gemrc, .railsrc, and .irbrc dot files and how we can customize them to make our development life easier.