The Stimulus 2.0 Tutorial
16:29 CC

The Stimulus 2.0 Tutorial

#272 Dec 6, 2020 free
Stimulus 2.0 has been released and with it comes new features, changes and bug fixes. In this episode, we look at adding Stimulus in our application, exploring the new features, and looking at what has changed.

Client Side Encryption
10:31 CC

Client Side Encryption

#63 Jan 15, 2017 free
Add an extra level of security to your application with client side encryption. Even over an SSL connection, there are attacks which could expose your users' sensitive information. Using JSEncrypt, learn how to encrypt on the client side and decrypt on the server side.

Autocomplete with HTML Results
7:02 CC

Autocomplete with HTML Results

#83 Jun 4, 2017 free
Working with an autocomplete can be very simple. However, things get complicated when you try to use HTML markup in the displayed results. Learn how to use HTML markup within your autocomplete results!

Geocoding, Places and Maps
11:29 CC

Geocoding, Places and Maps

#84 Jun 11, 2017 free
Using the Geocoder gem and Google APIs, learn how to add some geolocation functionality to your application.

Not RJS and Turbolinks
8:55 CC

Not RJS and Turbolinks

#20 Nov 9, 2015 free
Using Javascript responses, we can make our Rails application have a quick and responsive Single Page Application feel to it.