Restricting Access by IP Address
4:22 CC

Restricting Access by IP Address

#92 Aug 6, 2017 free
Learn to lock down your application or parts of your application by IP Addresses.

Tracking Errors with Sentry
7:44 CC

Tracking Errors with Sentry

#108 Dec 3, 2017 free
Sentry is an Open Source error tracking that helps developers monitor and fix crashes in real time. Learn how to add and configure Sentry to your application.

Encrypted Credentials in Rails 5.2
12:01 CC

Encrypted Credentials in Rails 5.2

#123 Mar 4, 2018 free
In this episode, we take a look at the Encrypted Credentials of Ruby on Rails 5.2 and how we can patch it so that we can use other YAML files like a development.yml and test.yml.

Turbo Native for iOS
21:51 CC

Turbo Native for iOS

#286 Mar 7, 2021 free
In this episode, we look at modifying our Rails application and building a hybrid native application for iOS using Hotwire.

Tracking Events with Ahoy
10:08 CC

Tracking Events with Ahoy

#303 Jul 4, 2021 free
Analytics can provide great information about your users and the content that you're producing. With using the Ahoy gem, we can gather powerful analytics without handing them over to third parties.