Reputation Behavior with Merit
15:30 CC

Reputation Behavior with Merit

#219 Dec 8, 2019 pro
Merit adds reputation behavior to Rails apps in the form of Badges, Points, and Rankings.

ActiveRecord Callbacks
12:26 CC

ActiveRecord Callbacks

#148 Aug 26, 2018 pro
Callbacks are great for quickly tapping into the object life cycle. However, after a model or an application grows, it will become harder to maintain over time. It is better to extract the responsibility and separate the logic.

ActiveRecord Tricks
13:21 CC

ActiveRecord Tricks

#127 Apr 1, 2018 free
In this episode, we look at what would seemingly be simple queries, but are more complex once you start looking into them. Using built in ActiveRecord functions, we can make the queries readable and easy to work with.

UUID in Rails with ActiveUUID
5:11 CC

UUID in Rails with ActiveUUID

#23 Mar 2, 2016 free
Some cases require non-auto incrementing primary keys as well as multiple master writes without id conflicts. With ActiveUUID, we can configure our table's primary key with confidence without added complexity.