15:55 CC


#82 May 29, 2017 free
The DataTables Javascript library creates a powerful display of your application's data. Some of the features include pagination, server side processing, sorting and search.

Rails Presenters
9:15 CC

Rails Presenters

#149 Sep 2, 2018 free
Separating view logic from bloated models can help maintain the model in the long run.

Client Side Validations
5:26 CC

Client Side Validations

#32 Jun 6, 2016 free
Give early warning to users of form errors before they submit. With client side validations, the user can correct any errors prior to submitting the form.

Mountable Engines
9:23 CC

Mountable Engines

#79 May 7, 2017 free
Mountable Engines are a great way to extract code into its own namespace and allow the code to be reused in other applications. Other popular gems that are mountable engines are Devise and Doorkeeper.

Drag and Drop with Interact.js
15:20 CC

Drag and Drop with Interact.js

#75 Apr 9, 2017 free
Using Interact.js to create draggable and droppable items in our view, we can use AJAX callbacks on events to interact with our Ruby on Rails application. Also, learn how to use Ruby Assets to manage our Javascript Libraries.