Masked Fields
8:35 CC

Masked Fields

#403 May 28, 2023 pro
Learn to create a reusable Stimulus controller to be able to toggle fields so that we can hide sensitive information from prying eyes, screenshots or when sharing our screen.

Creating and Publishing a Stimulus Controller Library
12:29 CC

Creating and Publishing a Stimulus Controller Library

#206 Sep 8, 2019 pro
In this episode, we create a public StimulusJS Controller and publish it to NPM to that it can be shared and reused in other applications.

Forecasting Data
23:25 CC

Forecasting Data

#416 Aug 27, 2023 pro
In this episode, we will look at a date range of data and build predictions of what future values will be. However, we won't be reaching for any 3rd party APIs, but instead use statistical models to learn from our data to predict the future dates. We'll also display out our data on a table and plot it to a graph.

Text to Speech
16:44 CC

Text to Speech

#474 Sep 15, 2024 pro
In this episode, we look at implementing text-to-speech functionality using Ruby on Rails without third-party libraries. We'll discuss some nuances and various workarounds to address common issues.