esbuild for Rails
6:12 CC

esbuild for Rails

#313 Sep 5, 2021 free
Use esbuild to bundle your JavaScript, then deliver it via the asset pipeline in Rails. This gem provides an installer to get you going with esbuild in a new Rails application.

Cropping Images with JCrop
7:00 CC

Cropping Images with JCrop

#77 Apr 23, 2017 free
Extend your image upload functionality with JCrop. Learn to redirect the user to a crop page once they have uploaded their image and save versions of the cropped images.

Creating and Publishing a Stimulus Controller Library
12:29 CC

Creating and Publishing a Stimulus Controller Library

#206 Sep 8, 2019 pro
In this episode, we create a public StimulusJS Controller and publish it to NPM to that it can be shared and reused in other applications.

Tracking Javascript Errors
9:08 CC

Tracking Javascript Errors

#268 Nov 15, 2020 pro
Tracking errors on our server side is important, but we often forget about our client side errors. These can often be even more difficult to troubleshoot as there are many more variables at play. In this episode, we look at tracking the Javascript errors so that we can be notified of any issues our users experience.

Infinite Scrolling with Hotwire
17:47 CC

Infinite Scrolling with Hotwire

#338 Feb 27, 2022 pro
In this episode, we have a look at two different approaches for implementing an infinite scrolling feature within a Ruby on Rails application with Hotwire. The first method will use a Stimulus Controller to handle AJAX requests back to the Rails application. The second approach will not use any external library, other than Hotwire, nor any javascript to accomplish the infinite scrolling.