SweetAlerts in Rails 6
12:09 CC

SweetAlerts in Rails 6

#202 Aug 11, 2019 pro
Sometimes adding a javascript library can be difficult because either it's not a straightforward process or some of the blog articles are either outdated or don't work properly. In this episode, we look at adding SweetAlerts into a Rails 6 application with Webpacker.

Record Audio to Active Storage
15:34 CC

Record Audio to Active Storage

#269 Nov 22, 2020 pro
Learn how to use the MediaRecorder API and StimulusJS for uploading and storing audio files to Active Storage.

From Webpacker to esbuild
12:14 CC

From Webpacker to esbuild

#319 Oct 17, 2021 pro
With Rails 7 coming out soon, it's a good time to look at what it could take to upgrade our existing applications to esbuild. In this episode, we start with a Rails 6 application and begin the upgrade process by removing Webpacker and switching over to esbuild.

Creating and Reading QR Codes
16:53 CC

Creating and Reading QR Codes

#278 Jan 10, 2021 pro
Reading QR Codes can be a tricky task. We look at being able to generate QR Codes on our Ruby on Rails backend and read them on the client side using a couple of libraries and Stimulus JS.

Adaptive Bitrate Streaming with Active Storage
29:56 CC

Adaptive Bitrate Streaming with Active Storage

#232 Mar 8, 2020 pro
Adaptive streaming allows the video provider to create a different video for each of the screen sizes (or devices) that he or she wishes to target. In this episode, we look at converting our Progressive Video Streams into Adaptive Bitrate Streams and serving it through Active Storage.